I don’t know your background, what your career is, what your aspirations are. Frankly – I don’t know anything about you. Well, I do know one thing.
I know that you’ve failed. You sucked it up big time at the office once or maybe even 400 times. You’ve gotten it wrong in at least one job, probably more. You’ve been disappointed in yourself, shocked by the end result, embarrassed, whatever. You went home, shut the door and dealt with it privately or you brought someone in to share the misery. Maybe you framed it as anger or frustration at someone else, but inside you were mostly pissed at yourself. We all know it’s happened at least once.
Congratulations. Welcome to the club, here’s your card.
In other news, you’re now ahead of the curve. Certainly you’re farther along than where you were when you made your first big bold steps into that first office you ever worked (and if you haven’t started your first big kid job yet, you’ve got this coming to you). If you’ve done anything that you personally feel resembles a failure or a moment of difficulty in your career, you share one of the greatest wins of all the best leaders you’ve known. It’s a rite of passage for anyone with a resume they carry proudly. Branson, Jobs, Gandhi, Oprah, (insert political figure), they’ve all failed. They’ve all been emotionally drop-kicked to the floor in some way, even if you didn’t see it on the People cover, it happened when they got home from the photoshoot that night.
Let me explain the beautiful madness in this. And I’ll do it by referencing some thoughts of Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck. We are expected, unfairly, to seek perfection and improvement at every turn. Who’s doing the expecting? Well, we are. And also the imaginary (or for some, very real) characters in the dark who are judging our every move. But everyone I just mentioned is not perfect, nor will they ever be, and they know it. We, or they, bring these expectations of perfection and judgement into the picture because there seems to be know no other way. Why shouldn’t we all be amazing all the time? That’d be great, right?
If you really think about it, none of us would like that person either. Good gosh, what an annoying human that would be…always amazing.
There is actually no way to win that war. You will judge yourself and others will judge you no matter what, so that’s where the art of not giving a f*ck comes into play. We need to just let it happen. What will ultimately shake out, is the understanding of what areas of life really matter, where we’re wasting our time (spending inordinate amounts of time negatively thinking about someone else is a good starting spot) and what needs to drop off the list of priorities to care about. We don’t have enough brainplate space to care about all the things that we think we need to care about, so we need to allocate it wisely. You are the Managing Director of your brain and personal brand – act like it.
Many of us are in a place right now where we feel it necessary to analyze ourselves up and down, find better ways to spend the hours in our day, to closely follow the routines of great and successful celebrities, to dissect our every fault and figure out how to maneuver it into a gift, to see a motivational quote paired with a picture of a woman, her arms spread out, embracing her faults but ready to be a better version of herself. We’re supposed to ignore the naysayers, blind ourselves to any pain that tackles us at random, and be at the ready to improve ourselves every single day.
I’ve written so much on many of these things and I’ll probably continue to do so in some degree, but I’m sharing this insight with you because it impacted me very much.
“We are wired to become dissatisfied with what we have and satisfied only by what we don’t have. This constant dissatisfaction has kept our species fighting and striving, building a conquering. So no – our pain and misery aren’t a bug of human evolution – they’re a feature.” – Mark MansonFailure in itself has no emotions. It has no pain. It has nothing. It is a moment when you pushed the wrong button and something bad happened. The emotions, pain, suffering, lessons? Those come when you experience the reaction to what you’ve done. Whether you suffer internally or you get a furious boss in the face, is irrelevant. You have to experience some kind of massive failure, with the corresponding backlash, and you have to sit with it.
To be fair, “massive” is in the eye of the beholder – and it certainly matters where you are in life at the moment of failure that dictates the depth of that failure in your mind and how you carry it later in life.
My first “massive failure” was the day I was fired from my very first full-time job in 2005. It felt like my world had completely crumbled around me. Life (and my career), as I knew it, was over. Looking back, I realize that’s the dramatic self-talk of a 24-year-old. But back then, it was a hell of a punch in the stomach. Today, I lean on that moment joyfully and wouldn’t trade it for the world. That moment shaped me and it pushed me. In fact, I know it pushed me harder than it pushed the peers who were still comfortably sitting at the desks next to my empty one the day after I left that office. I had more to win, more to lose, more ground to cover, more to prove, more everything. It gave me an early win. Not many 24-year-olds have made the proverbial ditch-to-mountain peak climb so early in their career. It gave me the guts I use today. And to be very sure, the fearlessness, ambition and shockingly, the humility, I earned from that has since put me in more powerful meetings, given me more out-of-this-world conversations and generated far more “wow” experiences than my earlier peers have had. I know my stories and the good humans I have collected along the way are infinitely better.
If you haven’t been fired (or sulked around at the figurative bottom of a valley in your career before), those of us who have hold a large competitive advantage on you – I promise.
Every once in a while, an intern or an idiot points out that experience on my resume and uses it to question expertise and credibility. But the best leaders I’ve ever worked for – not to mention myself – see it quite differently. We look at things per Mark’s suggestion. We know we’ll never not have problems, so we should long for good problems (that are solvable). The mentality and vision to view failure in a productive way separates the “okay, I guess I’ll go to work again today” people from the people who are gunning for greatness. Greatness which is personally defined by them, of course.
There’s every bit of a chance that you’ve failed big time and didn’t even bother to notice it. Though to that end, I’ll mention that the failure wasn’t of any service to your long-term career, because you clearly didn’t learn from it. There’s also every bit of a chance that what you viewed as a failure (ahem, perfectionists), is so small and insignificant to the grand scheme of things it would baffle the minds of those of us who screw up way more in an hour than you did last year. But that’s okay, we must all throw respect at what others deem important to them.
That’s the beauty of failure though. It’s your business where you think you screwed up (your head, heart, body will make you well aware of the exact moment it happens), as much as it is your business to correct your path from it. Equally as much, it’s your fault if you didn’t walk away owning it, and instead, you blamed some thing or someone for it. And a bonus item: If you didn’t walk away better from a failure, you’re probably setting up the pins to knock them down all over again in the same manner. When that happens, grab a notebook, a therapist, your blog, whatever you need to capture it and learn from it appropriately this time. I don’t know everything, but I do know the world doesn’t give you infinite chances to pocket the same win. It sure as heck gives you plenty of opportunities to lose.
To learn and to really soak all the success out of a failure, you have to feel it. You have to have a moment where the failure whops you in the face, punches you in the gut, breaks you down into tears or sends you into cold sweats – those are the best and juiciest and most productive failures. It’s not necessarily that you have to have a physical reaction (some of you are far more psychologically brutal on yourselves inside that head of yours), but I’m trying to paint the picture. If you’re going to have a career that you ever want to label “wildly successful” inasmuch that it goes far beyond a steady paycheck, modest living and a means to an end, then you need to grab the armrests and experience, then digest, what failure is attempting to toss at you. And as Mark Manson suggests, you need to suffer a little. Don’t sweep past it. Sit there for a second.
You also don’t have to bounce right back into shape like a rubber band. You’re welcome to become a different person from the experience. In fact, you should. But that happens organically, so don’t force it. And one day, you should be able to quickly recall the fail(s) instantly and express emotional intelligence, the learnings and also humility from that moment. Your ultimate goal is to look back on that failure and smile.
Those who have failed benefit from amazing takeaways. These are things you absolutely won’t get if you don’t test the waters and fall on your face at least once. Preferably way more than once.
Here are a few takeaways I’ve earned from my growing list of failures:
- Understanding how to properly hire a boss (i.e. interview every potential employer carefully to make sure it’s a culture and ethics fit).
- Figuring out how to lead a team properly and with conviction.
- Standing your ground and speaking up when your gut tells you something is up (I didn’t do it one time, and I definitely did the second time – both had very different consequences).
- Asking for the appropriate return on the value you bring to the table (i.e. salary negotiation, contract rates, the window office).
- Proposing bigger, better projects and applying a better use of the budget.
- Hiring smarter.
- Focusing on what (and who) really matters at the moment it should matter.
- Going for, and getting, more than one dream job over the course of your career.
The amount of wins you can accumulate under your career belt expand and decrease according to your failures. By now I should be preaching to the choir, but you don’t learn from winning, you learn from not winning. Don’t go forth into the world looking for something to screw up, but you should absolutely grab a little gut and step out of your comfort zone. Attempt bigger, fail more and collect every bit of knowledge you can from it.
Molly Cain is the founder of Glass Heel and former director of one of the nation’s top early stage startup accelerators according to Inc. Magazine.
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